I had the pleasure of reading "Beautiful Creatures" by Garcia-Stohl published by Little, Brown and Company 2009, just these last few days while I was laid up in my bed sick.
I must admit that I was only mildly impressed with this book. The plot is about two teenagers who are drawn together by unexplained forces with the young boy being the hero to the maiden who is doomed.--- Okay, we all have to admit this is very cliche, but does this book make it any different? No.
The book is well written. The jacket cover even says on the back label , "Give this to the fans of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight or HBO's True Blood series."-SLJ... so what does this tell me? It really is not original. In fact I have read several books that are the exact same genre , teen romance that involve witches, or werewolves and vampires. However, I will not deny that the book did keep me entertained and I did not want to put it down until I was finished reading to the end.
The movie is set to be released on DVD May 13th 2013. I can't wait to see it. ( I don't really ever go to the movie theater because I would rather see a good movie at home where it is quiet and I can pause the movie if I need to get up and get refreshments). The previews looked wonderfully creative and I admit, I look forward to comparing the book to the movie. Usually movies never come close to the books, but this time I may be wrong.
** Again this is just my own personal review, and I have no connections what so ever to the authors or publishing company listed in this review. this is my my opinion only.** Feel free to leave comments.