Friday, April 5, 2013

The walking Dead withdrawls!!

It just dawned on me that this coming weekend I will be missing out on one of my favorite things to do. I look forward to it every weekend!!! The Walking Dead.

The Season finale, what can I say? I am torn, I liked it but yet I did not. I always wanted Andrea gone, but I thought they way she went wasn't enough. I am glad to see that the Governor will be back next season (or at least I think he will). It adds substance to the story plot. The suspense of who and when will this psychopath die is enough to keep me coming back for more.

I am not sure how I feel about Carl, his behavior has become extremely disturbing!!! Although the scene with the teen he shot, I might have done the same. It looked as though the teen was going to try to get the gun away from Carl and possibly take out Carl and the rest of the group that were hiding.

I feel the loss like the rest of my fellow Walking Dead fans.....
Until then at least I have my Duck Dynasty!!!!

Angel Roberts of Canton Il, single mom, and aspiring freelance writer has officially been published on Yahoo voices! That's right I finally got recognized for my hard work.

Check out  the articel and let me know what you think. I plan to contribute more work through the yahoo contributor network, so check here often on the articles that get published and for information on how you too can be a contributor!!